
Q: What's Inbox?

A: Tasks that you haven't organized would be saved in Inbox.


Q: What's Today?

A: If you set the Start time to today, the task will come to Today box directly. For the tasks whose Start time is set to be later than today, they'll come to Today box on the exact day of starting, and will stay in the box until you complete it.

Q: What's Next?

A: Actions to be done as soon as possible but with no exact start time are put here.

Q: What's Tomorrow?

A: If you set the Start time to tomorrow, the task will come to Tomorrow box. And it will go to Today box after midnight.

Q: What's Scheduled?

A: All to-dos with Start time later than tomorrow, including repeated ones, appear in Scheduled.

Q: What's Someday?

A: Someday box holds tasks with no Start time yet and probably to be done someday in the future.

Q: What's Waiting-for?

A: Tasks forwarded to others come to Waiting-for box automatically, and you may also drag and drop your own tasks here.

Q: What's Completed?

A: The completed task will be moved to Completed box. You can archive completed tasks to Archiver, and now you can view your archived tasks only in the web version.

Q: What's Trash?

A: The deleted task will be moved to Trash box. Tasks deleted 30 days ago will be automatically emptied.


Q: What's Context?

A: Everything is done in a special place or under a certain circumstance, and that PLACE or CIRCUMSTANCE is called Context in our app. So you can add tasks with certain contexts and view the tasks with the same context together. For example, when you're at home, you just want to see tasks to do at home, so you just click "Home" context and can be focused on these tasks.

Q: How can I add a new context?

A: There are two ways for you to create a new context:

1.Create a new context in the “Add task”/”Edit task” page. Tap on the “+” icon or tap on the pen-shaped icon. In the page that comes up, tap on “Context” and you’ll see all the contexts you’ve added before. Input a new context name to “New Context” and save it.

2.Created a new context by tapping on the “New Context” icon. Tap on “Context” in the left-side menu and it goes to the “Context(s)” page. Tap on the “New Context” icon at the top right and in the page that comes up, you can add a new context and save it.

Q: How can I edit /delete a context?

A: Tap on “Context” in the left-side menu and it goes to the “Context(s)” page, in which long press a context and you can edit or delete it.

Q: Can the contexts be sorted alphabetically?

A: Yes, the contexts are sorted alphabetically by default.


Q: What's Project?

A: A project is a multi-step task, composed of a series of related actions.

Q: How can I add a new project?

A: There are two ways for you to create a new project:

1.Create a new project in the “Add task”/”Edit task” page. Tap on the “Add Task” icon or tap on the pen-shaped icon. In the page that comes up, tap on “Project” and you’ll see all the projects you’ve added before. Input a new project name to “New Project” and save it.

2.Created a new project by tapping on the “New Project” icon. Tap on “Project” in the left-side menu and it goes to the “Project(s)” page. Tap on the “New Project” icon at the top right and in the page that comes up, you can add a new project and save it.

Q: How can I convert a task to a project?

A: Tasks sent from you or tasks with projects already cannot be converted into a project,

In the task list, long press a task and then select “As project”..

Q: How can I edit/delete a project?

A: Tap on “Projects” in the left-side menu and it goes to the “Projects” page, in which long press a project and you can edit or delete it.

Q: What are active Projects and inactive Projects?

A: If you set Today (which means the project starts from today or before today) or Next as the project’ start time, it will be an Active project by default. If you set Scheduled (which means the project will start from tomorrow or after tomorrow) or Someday as the project’ start time, it will be an Inactive project by default.

Q: Can I deactivate an active Project?

A: Yes, you can. Just do as follows:

1.Deactivate a project by long pressing it and then tapping on “Deactivate”. And its start time will also be changed.

2.Deactivate a project by directly changing its start time. As long as you change its start time into Tomorrow, Scheduled or Someday, it will be an inactive project. And when it expires, it will be activated automatically.

Q: Can I activate an inactive Project?

A: Yes, you can. Just do as follows:

1.Activate a project by long pressing it and then tapping on “Activate”. And its start time will also be changed.

2.Activate a project by directly changing its start time. As long as you change its start time into Today or Next, it will be an active project.

Q: I am unable to add a repeated task to a project. It always warned me "Oops, task adding failed. The time period of this task is beyond that of the project it. Please adjust."

A: Please make sure that Endtime of the repeated task is not beyond Deadline of the project.

Q: Can the projects be sorted alphabetically?

A: Yes, the projects are sorted alphabetically by default.


Q: What's Goal?

A: Any outcome that's going to require more than one item, in some sequence of tasks and projects in order to be able to achieve that outcome, that's a goal. Both tasks and projects can be assigned to a goal. Once added to a goal, tasks will go to Next by default. You can see all tasks/projects included the goal when you unfold it. In addition, you can complete all tasks/projects by completing the goal they belong to.

Q: How can I add a new goal?

A: To add a new goal, first open the goals list by tapping on "Goals" in the left-side menu and then tap on the "Add Goal" icon at the top right corner. In the page that comes up, you can add a new goal and save it. Besides, you can create a new goal on the page titled "Located in" by long pressing a task/a project and selecting "Move to".

Q: How can I set a goal to a task/project?

A: You can assign a goal to a task/project. Long press a task/project on the list and select "Move to" to move it to the targeted goal.

Q: How can I edit or delete a goal?

A: Long press a goal on the page titled "Goals" and you can either edit or delete it.

Q: How can I set a goal to a task/project?

A: You can assign a goal to a task/project. Long press a task/project on the list and select "Move to" to move it to the targeted goal.

Q: How can I edit or delete a goal?

A: Long press a goal on the page titled "Goals" and you can either edit or delete it.

Q: How can I remove a goal from a task/project?

A: Long press the task/project to move it to "Unset".


Q: Is calendar also supported on the mobile version?

A: Now you can install calendar widget on the Android version.

First of all, look for a blank page on your Android smart phone. Then long press the blank page and you can add calendar widget. But considering that tasks cannot be presented on the calendar because of limited screen size, we design a small blue dot, which will appear as long as there are tasks on that day.

This calendar widget is now only supported in the Android version.

Later, it will be supported on for iOS as well.


Q: What's Archiver?

A: You can archive completed tasks to Archiver, which is divided into Weekly Archiver and Monthly Archiver, so that it would be convenient for you to write your weekly/monthly report, etc. Tasks completed 30 days ago will be archived automatically. Besides, when there are more than one hundred tasks in Completed, they will be archived automatically as well. And now you can view your archived tasks only in the web version.

Q: How can I archive my tasks?

A: Tap on Completed box in the left-side menu. In the page that comes up, tap on the “Archive” icon at the top right and you’ll get a warning “Are you sure to archive tasks in Completed, which will relocate them into Archiver?” Tap on “OK” and the tasks will disappear from Completed and go to Archiver. Now, only in the web version can you view archived tasks.


Q: Why can't I find the tasks I deleted 30 days ago?

A: Now, tasks deleted 30 days ago will be automatically emptied.


Add, View, Edit, Delete

Q: How can I add a task in its full mode?

A: To add a task, simply tap on the “+” icon at the bottom of the screen. The "Add task" dialog will appear. From here you can fill in your task details like its name, a brief description, whether it’s a next action, a deadline, a project, a context, priority, tag, repeat, reminders, and even delegation to a contact. Save it after you've set all you need and the task is created.

Q: How can I add tasks successively?

A: Tap “ Pro” in the Notifications and the “Quick Add” box appears at the top. In the "Quick Add" box, you can add a task title, Start time, project, context, priority, tag. By this way, you can add tasks successfully.

Q: How can I view the detailed information of a task?

A: Tap on the task you want to view in the tasks list and you'll get into the viewing page of that task.

Q: How can I edit a task?

A: In the “View Task” page, tap on the pen-shaped icon at the bottom bar and you’ll see the editing page. Alternatively, long press a task in the tasks list and select to Edit it.

Q: How can I delete a task?

A: Long press a task in the tasks list and you can delete it.

Start time and Deadline

Q: What's the usage of Start time?

A: It will guide the task into different boxes. And to modify the Start time of a repeated task may affect the repeat dates.

Q: What's the usage of Deadline?

A: Tasks with deadline will come to Today automatically on its due day. And Tasks whose deadline is near or past or just today will be marked clearly.

Q: How does a box affect its time?

A: Selecting a box will accordingly change the Start time of the task: Inbox: Start time not set;

Today: Start time set to today;

Tomorrow: Start time set to tomorrow;

Scheduled: Start time set to the day after tomorrow by default, and you can pick a date from the time picker;

Someday: Start time not set;

Waiting for: For tasks of Mine, Start time not set; for tasks Sent to others, Start time showing the one set when the task was sent, and unable to be changed.

Q: Where can I view the task when it's saved or sent?

A: Operation Destination box of the task

Set Start time to Today Today

Set Start time to tomorrow Tomorrow

Set Start time to a day after tomorrow Scheduled

Set a task to be repeated Scheduled

Send a task to others Waiting

Set a Deadline (At 0: 00 on due day, task will go to) Today

All-day or not

Q: What if I choose all-day?

A: If you check all-day, you can only set date for Start time and Deadline, but not time; if you uncheck it, you can set both date and time for the two.

Q: Why can't I pick a specific time for a task?

A: Maybe all-day is checked for the task, which means you can just pick date but not time. If you want to set specific time, please uncheck all-day first.


Q: What's Tags?

A: Tasks with specific tags can be filtered out by tags. In, you can at most add 5 tags for a single task.

Q: How can I add tags?

A: In the “Add task” or “Edit task” page, tap on “Tags” and it will show you the tags list. Tap on "New Tag" box on the top to input a new tag name.

Q: How can I filter tasks by tags?

A: Tasks can be filtered just from the current box. Only tags used in tasks contained in the current box would be seen in the tag filter rows; by choosing more than one tag for filtering, you'll get tasks with both/all these tags. In the tasks list, tap on the "Tag" icon at the bottom bar and you’ll see the "Tags" page. On the “Tags” page, you can check a tag or multiple tags, and then tap on the “Filter” button at the top right. Lastly, tasks with the tag(s) you‘ve selected will be showed in front of you.

Q: How can I cancel or delete tags?

A: To cancel a tag in a task, you can go to task editing page. Select "Tags" and uncheck the selected tag(s) on the tags list. Save it and the tag(s) will be removed from the task.

To delete a tag, you can go to Tag Management (Preferences - Tag management) and delete the tag in Tag Management. This way, the tag will be deleted from the app, but it'll still be kept in existing tasks and can be filtered by. The web version is the only place you can delete tags.

Repeated Tasks

Q: How can I set or edit repeat strategy for a task?

A: You'll see the "Repeat" icon at the middle of task adding/editing page.

Q: How can I move repeated tasks?

A: If you want to move just one occurrence of a repeated task, long press a task in the tasks list and the "Move to" button will appear or go to the “View Task” page and directly tap on the "Move to" icon at the top right, by either of which you can move it from the boxes other than Scheduled to the targeted box, but If you want to move the whole repeated task, you can’t do it by "Move to" but just by editing its Start time in the “Edit task” page, or tapping on the checkbox to complete it or long pressing the task to delete it.

Q: How can I delete a repeated task?

A: Whether you want to delete the whole repeated task (which is the one in Scheduled) or just a single occurrence of the repeated task (which exists in a box other than Scheduled, eg, Today), you can long press the task to delete it.

Q: How can I complete a repeated task?

A: If you just want to complete a single occurrence of the repeated task (which exists in a box other than Scheduled, eg, Today), check the checkbox in front of the task and you can complete it; if you want to complete the whole repeated task, you need to go to Scheduled and check the checkbox in front of the repeated task there and no more occurrences of the task will be generated.

Q: What if I modify the Start time of a repeated task?

A: That may change, increase or decrease days when the task occurs.

Q: Why can't I modify the repeat strategy of a repeated task in boxes other than Scheduled?

A: In, repeat strategy can only be modified in the parent task, which is just located in Scheduled. So please go to Scheduled if you want to modify the repeat strategy of a repeated task.

Q: Can I send repeated tasks?

A: Yes. And the task sent will go to the Waiting for box automatically and no longer generate future occurrences in your app.

Reminder Setting

Q: How can I set reminders?

A: When adding/editing a task, you can add at most 5 reminders in the way of popup. If a reminder is set, you'll get reminded on Web/iPad/iPhone/Windows/Mac versions.

Q: How can I view several reminders that happen simultaneously?

A: Slide to view reminders

Forwarded Tasks

Q: How can I forward a task?

A: There are two ways for you to send a task to your contact(s):

1.Tap on “Send to” at the bottom of the “Edit task” page, and check the contact(s) you want to send the tasks to and save.

2.In the “View Task” page, tap on the “Contact” icon and in the page that comes up, check the contact(s)you want to send the tasks to and tap on “Send” at the top right. You can't send tasks to a person who hasn't been added as a contact and passed your contact application. (As for adding new contacts in, please refer to "Contact" - "How can I add a contact?")

Q: What if I check the checkbox before Auto-complete in the “Send to” page?

A: Then, when the receiver completes the task, the task in your own app would go to Completed automatically at the same time you get the completion message.

Q: Why does task disappear from the current box after being sent to others?

A: Tasks sent go to the Waiting for box automatically, you can find it there.

Q: Will I receive system messages when the receiver complete or delete my task?

A: For a non-repeated task:

If the sent task is completed by the receiver, you'll get a completion message;

If your task is sent to more than one receiver, you'll get a completion message after each completes the task; and another one after all complete it;

If your task is deleted by the receivers, no message would be received.

For a repeated task:

You'll get messages when the whole repeated task is completed by the receivers, one for each, and still another when all complete it.

No message would be received if just a single occurrence is completed, or either one occurrence or the whole task is deleted.

Q: If I delete or complete the task before its receiver completes it, will he/she get any message?

A: When you complete or delete a non-repeated task or a whole repeated task, he/she'll receive a completion message; while no message will be received if you just complete or delete one occurrence of a repeated task.

Q: If I delete a task sent to others before the receiver completes it, will I still get a message when he/she completes it?

A: Yes, you will.

Task Sorting

Inbox, No Context, No Project: tasks are sorted by Update time in descending order

Calendar: tasks are sorted by Start time (in ascending order) – Priority (in descending order) – Deadline (in ascending order) – Update time (in ascending order)

Completed: tasks are sorted by Complete time in descending order

Trash: tasks are sorted by Delete time in descending order

Other boxes: tasks are sorted by Priority (in descending order) – Deadline (in ascending order) – Start time (in ascending order) – Update time (in ascending order)

Doit Now

Q: What is "Doit Now"?

A: "Doit Now" is a group located in Today box, which helps you quickly focus on tasks that can be done right now without the interruption of today's other tasks.

Q: How can I assign tasks to the “Doit Now” group?

A: In Today box or Next box, tap on the icon at the upper right of the tasks list and there will appear the lightning-shaped icon in the front of each task bar. Tap on that icon and you can assign tasks to the “Doit Now” group.

Q: Can I manually sort tasks?

A: Now only in the “Doit Now” group can you manually sort tasks. In Today box, tap on the icon at the bottom right of the tasks list and there will appear an icon on the right of each task in the “Doit Now” group. Tap on that icon and you can manually sort the tasks.

Group by

Q: How can I group the tasks?

A: You can group them by Priority, Context, Project and Time.


Q: What's Subtask

A: In, subtasks are a simple to-do list added under a task, which can describe the detailed steps that you do a task like the steps to make a cake, or make a record of the bill of materials like a shopping list.

Q: How can I add a subtask?

A: To add subtasks simply tap "Add a subtask" on the task viewing page.

Q: How can I edit or delete or complete a subtask?

A: Check the checkbox in front of a subtask and it will go to Completed. Tap the existing subtask on the task viewing page and you can edit or delete it.

Q: As for completed subtasks, will they be lost when the task gets converted to a project?

A: No, it will make completed subtasks converted to completed tasks under the project.

Q: After a task on the client side gets converted to a project, why can't we see the tasks under the project immediately?

A: Now, the implementation of the "Convert a task to a project " feature is processed by our server. Therefore, online synchronization is needed after you convert a task to a project on the client side. The whole process just takes a few seconds as long as the local network works well. And when there is no network connection or no synchronization, it is a normal phenomenon that subtasks haven't been converted to tasks under the project yet.

Q: When a task gets converted to a project, where will the subtasks go?

A: Subtasks will be converted to tasks under the project.


Q: How does tasks sync among all versions?

A: Android version for free:

Manual sync can be triggered once only within 24 hours by tapping on the “Sync” icon at the bottom right.

Note: when you login, it will load the data from the Server, so it also occupies the sync chance we provided for free accounts.

For example: The last sync/login happened at 23:30 today, and the next manual sync could be triggered after 24 hours.

Android version for Pro: Syncs automatically every 30 minutes now and you can manually sync anytime by tapping on the “Sync” icon at the bottom right.

Q: How can I make events on Google Cal synchronized to

A: Click on the “G” icon at the bottom of the left-side menu can make events on Google Cal synchronized to (If your account hasn't been linked to Google Cal yet, please sign into for Web and link to it in Preferences.)

Q: Is Offline mode supported in

A: Yes, it is supported on for Android as long as you remain login before disconnecting from the network. And the added or changed data will be saved locally. Once there is network connection, data will be synced with other platforms.


Q: How can I add comments to a task?

A: To add a comment to a task, open the “View Task” page and tap on the “Comment” icon at the bottom bar. In the page that comes up, you can input a comment and post it.

Q: I just found something wrong in my comment. How can I modify or delete it?

A: Sorry, a comment can be neither modified nor deleted once posted, so please be careful when you write the comment and try to re-check it before you post it. If you find there is something wrong in your posted comment, you can add a new comment to correct the old one.

Q: Can I directly go to by the widget?

A: Yes, you can. Tap on the title and it will go to the last page you stay on before you leave

Q: I am using for Android. When I logout and then login with another account, why does my widget become blank?

A: Each account has different data. Once you switch to another account, the widget is unable to remember the boxes, contexts and projects you have set. So please first remove the existed widget, then re-add it and the tasks will appear at once.

Q: What requirements of the device I use if I want to install for Android?

A: Please make sure that it has a 2.1 + system.

Q: Can I change date format?

A: Yes, you can. Go to Settings and tap on “Date Format” under “General”. There are three date formats, mm/dd/yyyy, dd/mm/yyyy, yyyy-mm-dd.

Q: I am not so familiar with 24-hour time. How can I switch to 12-hour time?

A: Go to Settings and tap on “Time Display” under “General”. Then select “12-hour time”.

Q: Can I select which day a week start on?

A: Yes. Go to Settings and tap on “Week Starts on” under “General”. On the page that comes up, you can select “Sunday” or “Monday” as the first day of a week.

Q: I am afraid that I missed a message by accident. Where can I view it now?

A: Go to Settings and tap on “Notifications” under “Addition”, in which you’ll see all the messages you've got.

Q: Where can I find my account info?

A: Go to Settings and tap on “Pro” under “Username”. On the page that comes up, you’ll see your username, registered email, task mailbox and the expiration of your Pro account.

Q: My Pro account expired! Can I directly renew it on my device?

A: Yes, we now offer in-App billing. Tap on “In-app Billing” under “Username” and then do as the page directs.